Creative Mikser


April 6-7, 2022

Online event

Creative Mikser

Creative Mikser is a series of networking meetings of the creative sector, organised jointly by the British Council and the City of Warsaw, together with local partners. These are presentations, discussions and an opportunity to establish new business contacts and meet interesting people.

We think of Creative Mixer as a „bridge” between Warsaw, London and other cities around the world, connecting entrepreneurs, policy makers and local activists representing different cultural contexts.

The 22nd edition of the program will be held ONLINE and will investigate the topic of food. We will look at different solutions that give better access to high-quality food to citizens and help manage food systems in the city in a sustainable way. Our experts and practitioners will share a number of interesting case studies and insights into applicable solutions from the field of design, new technologies and local activism around urban farming and gardening.

Join presentations and discussions on 6 April and workshops on 7 April. Detailed agenda and registration link are available below.


Check the event agenda

Day 1 - April 6, 2022

15.00 – 15.10 – Opening remarks (Ewa Ayton – Head of Arts, British Council Poland Representative from the City of Warsaw, Karolina Zdrodowska – Director Coordinator from the Cabinet of the President of the Capital City of Of Warsaw)
15:10 – 15:15 – Circular Cultures introduction/ framing (Parvinder Marwaha, British Council)
15:15 – 15:25 – Provocation (Francesca Sarti, Arabeschi di Latte)
15:25 – 15:55 – Keynote speech (Kasper de Graaf, Design Manchester (Doing Zero project))
15:55 – 16:10 – Case study (Anna Galas, Biennale Warszawa (Edible City Warsaw project))
16:10 – 16:20 – Case study (Matylda Szyrle, Listny Cud)
16:20 – 16:30 – Case study(Paulina Barros, It’s bean!)
16:30 – 17:10 – Roundtable discussion (All speakers + moderator (Parvinder Marwaha))
17:10 – 17:15 – Closing remarks (British Council and City of Warsaw team)

Day 2 - April 7, 2022 (Workshop 1)

10.00-12.00 – Workshop: What’s your past, present and future of food? 

We’ll go on an interactive journey together to uncover how we used to eat as children, what we can learn from our ancestors, how we approach food now and we’ll ask ourselves questions like „would you eat insects, or meat that’s been grown or printed in a lab?”

Side note: We may set up a miro or google jamboard so people can participate from their devices.

The workshop will take place in English. Simultaneous translation into Polish will be provided.

Workshop leader: Adrian Jankowiak, Nairobi Design Week

Day 2 - April 7, 2022 (Workshop 2)

14:00-16:00 – Workshop: HARA HACHI BU – kiosks to reimagine a more sustainable food system 

Enacting change and reimaging the city food system through kiosks. During the workshop participants will explore the potential of micro-retailing systems and they will imagine tiny food kiosks that can help people embracing less impactful habits in their daily life as consumer.

Looking at kiosks as the perfect tool to create new collective rituals and embracing change with joy on different aspects: from reducing waste to recovering the pleasure of making, reconnecting with nature and people or encouraging more sustainable mode of consumption while looking at forms of fulfilment and gratifications. The workshop will take place in English. Simultaneous translation into Polish will be provided.

Workshop leader: Francesca Sarti, Arabeschi di Latte

Workshop: What’s your past, present and future of food? 10:00 – 12:00
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 3510 4585
Passcode: XhwdT9

 Workshop: HARA HACHI BU – kiosks to reimagine a more sustainable food system 14:00 – 16:00
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 6064 1628
Passcode: 0C5x8B


Anna Galas-Kosil

Anna Galas-Kosil

Curator at Biennale Warszawa

More about the speaker ➞

Curator at Biennale Warszawa. She is graduate of the Department of Theatre Studies at The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw and graduate of the prestigious European Diploma in Cultural Project Management programme for culture managers. Until the end of 2017 she managed the department of international cooperation at the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw.

In 2015–2020 she was President of the international On The Move network involved in issues of mobility in the cultural sector. She managed and curated many international cultural projects: Polish Pavilion at Prague Quadrennial in 2007, 2011 and 2015, Days of Polish Theatre in Teheran or Polska New Theatre 2015. She collaborated with various performing and visual arts artists, including Paweł Wodziński, Marta Górnicka, Dima Levytskyi, Marwa Arsanios and Jonas Staal. Recently, she has curated the „Edible City Warsaw” project about alternatives for today’s prevailing model of industrial agriculture.

Adrian Jankowiak

Adrian Jankowiak

Nairobi Design Week

More about the speaker ➞

Adrian connects people, ideas and technologies. He’s an industrial designer and creative director who approaches problems through collaboration and prototyping. His work includes products, services, local and global creative campaigns, new technologies, toys, games, consumer electronics, furniture, sanitation, music videos, events and experiences. He’s the founder of Nairobi Design Week, an annual festival and design studio, and hosts the Afrika Design podcast, a creative tour of Africa. Some of his work can be found at

Kasper de Graaf

Kasper de Graaf

Design Manchester

More about the speaker ➞

Kasper de Graaf is a director of Design Manchester and CEO of Images&Co, a design and innovation consultancy specialising in culture and identity, with a track record of innovation in cities. Within Design Manchester, Kasper is developing a series of collaborations with cities around the world, including Nairobi on food and climate change, Medellín on social urbanism, Shenzhen on child-friendly cities, Kitwe on creative skills and filmmaking, Puebla on marginalised cultures and communities, Aarhus on liveable cities and Barcelona on sustainable fashion.

Paulina Barros

Paulina Barros

Co-founder of the It’s bean! startup

More about the speaker ➞

Paulina Barros is co-founder of the It’s bean! startup, producing plant alternatives to diary products based on Polish white beans. The brand won the first prize in the Roślinniejemy competition in the category for the Best New Plant Brand 2021. Paulina is a certified dietician and previously worked for many years in a leading catering company, where she was responsible for the menu. Creating new food products is Paulina’s passion. In her work she focuses on the balance between taste, nutritive value and ecological production process of the product.

Francesca Sarti

Francesca Sarti

Director of design studio Arabeschi di Latte

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Francesca Sarti jest interdyscyplinarną projektantką tworzącą w Londynie. Urodziła się we Florencji, gdzie ukończyła architekturę. Głównym przedsięwzięciem, które stworzyła i prowadzi jako dyrektorka kreatywna jest studio projektowe Arabeschi di Latte. Realizacje tworzone przez studio wyróżnia zacieranie granic między jedzeniem, designem i architekturą. Projekty te obejmują wiele formatów, takich jak instalacje, doświadczenia interaktywne, performanse, obiekty społeczne i warsztaty immersyjne.

 Matylda Szyrle

Matylda Szyrle

CEO firmy Listny Cud

More about the speaker ➞

CEO firmy Listny Cud – jednej z pierwszych w Polsce miejskich farm wertykalnych, gdzie uprawiane są ekologiczne mikroliście i zioła.
Absolwentka Instytutu Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych (UW) i Emerging Economies and International Development (King’s College London). Kierunki te wybrała, ponieważ interesuje się tym, jak działa społeczeństwo oraz czy (i co) można robić, by działało lepiej.
Pracowała przez 3 lata w doradztwie strategicznym (McKinsey&Company) jak również w Fundacji ePaństwo, Spółce Skarbu Państwa, z Fundacją Ocalenie oraz w firmie telekomunikacyjnej i firmie doradczej w Londynie.
Od 2019 działała po godzinach przy inicjatywie społecznej zajmującej się kryzysem klimatycznym. Od marca 2020 jest częścią zespołu i prowadzi firmę Listny Cud – jedną z pierwszych w Polsce miejskich farmy wertykalnych, gdzie uprawiane są ekologiczne mikroliście i zioła. W 2021 została wybrana jedną ze 100 Kobiet Roku magazynu Forbes Woman.


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